Children’s Ministry

Good Shepherd’s Children’s Department is honored to be part of your family’s faith development. Stop by our children’s wing to see the love and care we’ve put into each room with a fresh coat of paint.

Children's Ministry Child Reading Bible

Worship & Children

We welcome and encourage families to worship together. Children’s activity folders are available. Check with an usher for their location.

NEW for Pre-K through 5th grade children, Kid’s Connection!!! Children begin worship with their family during the 10:45 and 11:00 am services. Then, they are dismissed with a children’s blessing to Kid’s Connection. During Kid’s Connection, they will play games, do crafts, watch Christian DVDs, build with Legos and have a snack. After worship is concluded, parents will pick up their children from the children’s center.

Childcare During Worship

Childcare for Infants and Toddlers is offered during Sunday morning worship, from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon.

Worship & Children

We welcome and encourage families to worship together. Children’s activity folders are available. Check with an usher for their location.

NEW for Pre-K through 5th grade children, Kid’s Connection!!! Children begin worship with their family during the 10:45 and 11:00 am services. Then, they are dismissed with a children’s blessing to Kid’s Connection. During Kid’s Connection, they will play games, do crafts, watch Christian DVDs, build with Legos and have a snack. After worship is concluded, parents will pick up their children from the children’s center.

Childcare During Worship

Childcare for Infants and Toddlers is offered during Sunday morning worship, from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon.

Children's Ministry Child Reading Bible

Sunday School

Children’s classes and nursery are located in the SW corner of our facility. You may register your child’s attendance online through the ShelbyNext app. (download the App to your phone) Google Play. Apple App Store.

Every Sunday, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, infants and toddlers engage in a variety of childcare activities. Age-appropriate curriculum helps even our youngest ones know God’s love.

9:30 am-10:30 am We welcome children Pre-K through 5th grade to Celebrate Wonder.

Celebrate Wonder is a curriculum that honors the spiritual life of children. It engages children in open-ended exploration and inquiry of the Bible. This curriculum seeks to deepen children’s faith formation and to create a safe space for children to ask big questions and claim their spiritual identity as children of God.

Children's Ministry Sunday School

Sunday School

Children’s classes and nursery are located in the SW corner of our facility. You may register your child’s attendance online through the ShelbyNext app. (download the App to your phone) Google Play. Apple App Store.

Every Sunday, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, infants and toddlers engage in a variety of childcare activities. Age-appropriate curriculum helps even our youngest ones know God’s love.

9:30 am-10:30 am We welcome children Pre-K through 5th grade to Celebrate Wonder.

Celebrate Wonder is a curriculum that honors the spiritual life of children. It engages children in open-ended exploration and inquiry of the Bible. This curriculum seeks to deepen children’s faith formation and to create a safe space for children to ask big questions and claim their spiritual identity as children of God.

Children's Ministry Sunday School

Special Events

Events for Families with Children are held throughout the year. Nativity night, the Easter Egg Hunt, Blessing of the backpacks, Pumpkin Patch, Trunk or Treat and hayrides are just a few of the events in which your family can participate. Details on each event are publicized as dates draw closer.


A red rose is placed on the altar the following Sunday to announce the good news of a new birth! If you have recently had a baby or adopted a child, please call the church at 405-324-1900 to let us know!


If you would like for your baby to be baptized please call the church office 405-324-1900 to schedule a date. Babies receive a baptismal certificate and handmade blanket.

Loving Our Community Schools (LOCS)

We make a difference to the student and staff at our adopted schools: Mustang Creek Elementary and Mustang North Middle School. We are blessed to make a significant difference in the lives of these children and teachers!

Third Grade Bibles

We celebrate with new Third Graders the gift of reading. Each third grader receives a hardbound copy with their name engraved on the front. 


Scouting programs include Boys, Venture Crew, Cub, and Girl Scouts.

Children's Ministry Child Doing Crafts

Any Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns, call Moss Myers at 405-324-1900.