Children’s Day Out

Welcome to Children's Day Out

Children’s Day Out is a non-profit ministry for children provided by the United Methodist Church of the Good Shepherd. Our child care program strives to provide care in a Christian environment. Our fall/spring program is open to ages six weeks to pre-kindergarten.

Children matter so much to us at the Church of the Good Shepherd. Jesus said to his disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (Luke 18:16)  As the most vulnerable of our church family, children merit the greatest care. We strive to provide a fun, safe, loving, enriching, and nurturing Christian environment.

Children are encouraged to actively explore and interact with children, staff, and materials. Opportunities to practice self-help skills are encouraged. Outdoor and indoor play is provided to exercise large muscle groups.  Fine motor skills are developed through puzzles, pegboards, bead stringing, construction sets, sensory bins and art materials. Children develop language skills through bible stories, music, storytelling, poetry, finger plays and songs.  Exploration of blocks, science, math and dramatic play materials allows children to exercise their natural curiosity.

The program stimulates the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual areas of development. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of individual differences in ability and interest. The teachers facilitate the development of self-control by using positive guidance techniques such as modeling, redirecting, setting clear limits and rewarding acceptable behavior.

Our staff is an important key providing the finest experience for your child. We come with a willing heart and many gifts to provide a safe and caring place for your child to grow spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally. We strive to give as much individual attention as possible including smiles, listening ears, and loving hearts. Most importantly, we hope to encourage your child to grow in their knowledge of God, commitment to Jesus, and love for their neighbors through our chapel time once a week and Bible stories for the month. We hope that you and your child will sense God’s love flowing through all of us.

CDO Fall 2024-2025

To check on possible openings or to be added to the waitlist, please email the program director, Charlotte Teel.

Dates: August 20 – May 20

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays (9:00 am – 2:00 pm)

Registration Fee: $100


  • $110.00 Monthly Tuition (1 day/week)
  • $200.00 Monthly Tuition (2 days/week)
  • $310.00 Monthly Tuition (3 day/week)

All other classes

  • $110.00 Monthly Tuition (1 day/week)
  • $200.00 Monthly Tuition (2 days/week)
  • $260.00 Monthly Tuition (3 day/week)

For more information, to schedule a tour or to apply online please contact us at (405) 324-1900, ext 306 or fill out the form below and we will get in contact with you soon.

Any calls, texts or emails to Good Shepherd CDO will be returned on the following Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday when school is in session.
The CDO entrance is located on the South side of the church by the gated playground. You’ll enter through the bright, blue door with Children’s Entrance above it.

Which CDO session are you inquiring about?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Our program is 9:00am-2:00pm Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday. Our late fee is $1.00 per minute, per child. 

Our monthly tuition for our nursery class (typically ages 6 weeks up to 13 months) is $110 for one day, $200 for two days and $300 for three days a week per month. Monthly tuition for all other ages is $110 for one day, $200 for two days and $260 for three days a week per month. The daily dropin rates are $30. 

Our registration is done online or in person. We can text/email you the registration link. The registration fee will be due at this time. 

Registration fees hold your child’s spot. They are also used to purchase supplies and materials throughout the year. That money is also used for any special events/activities held throughout the year for example renting bounce houses, donuts w/ parents, snow cones, supplies for Christmas gifts, etc. 

We require an open style/tote bag. We prefer a clear bag, but it’s not required. You will need to bring these items in their bag dailyA lunch with age-appropriate food already cut up as they would eat it at home (We do not heat up or refrigerate food) A spill proof water cup (no open cups), Milk/formula for infants (back up milk/formula please), A small blanket, Lovey and/or pacifier for rest time is fine, An extra change of clothes (even children who are potty trained), 4-5 diapers/pull ups. You will also need to provide a nap mat (except children in the nursery) that will be stored at CDO in your child’s classroom. We do have a small refrigerator to store breast milk in the nursery/yellow room for infants only! PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!!! 

We have a fall session and a summer session. Our fall session runs from August-May. We follow the same schedule as MPS schools. When they close for inclement weather, we will close as well. 

There is no reduction in tuition for missed days. We still must pay teachers’ salaries regardless of if children are absent. We do ask that you let us know as soon as possible by calling 405-324-1900 or emailing the director at This helps the teachers in preparing for the day, figuring out subs when we’re short staffed and allows us to offer drop ins. 

We carefully look at birthdates, abilities and the needs of each child. 

We have a monthly theme. Along with the theme there is a letter. We also have a number and shape that changes each month. Teachers will adapt to their classes’ abilities and development and work on these skills at an age appropriate level. 

We do have a daily rest time after lunch. Each child is required to provide a nap mat. They do not have to nap but are asked to rest quietly on their mat so that the other children who still nap can. We do NOT force any child to sleep, but we also do NOT have the staff available to give your child an alternative during rest time. Please encourage your child in this area. 

Pick up and drop off are done at the CDO door. Safety is our number one priority, and we take our responsibility to keep your children safe very seriously. There should be no one in the CDO wing except for teachers, staff and enrolled students. Besides safety reasons, a quick hug and kiss goodbye help with a smoother transition. 

*All children must be checked out by an authorized adult. No one other than those listed as an authorized adult on the enrollment form will be allowed to pick up a child. Identification will be required. We will immediately notify you by telephone in the event that an unauthorized person attempts to pick up your child. These precautions are taken very seriously to ensure your child’s safety. 

All staff members go through a thorough hiring process. Staff members 18 years and older must pass a thorough background check through the OSBI. All staff are required to attend training and safety courses. Training includes but may not be limited to first aid and CPR. We have cameras in all classrooms, CDO halls, entryways, and on the playground. All doors remained locked during CDO hours unless we are doing drop off and pick up. 

We do not provide monthly receipts but can if needed. In January, we will supply you with a receipt for your taxes. 

Yes, absolutely. We love celebrating our students. Please make arrangements with your child’s teacher to bring snacks on his/her birthday. 

Yes, but if you plan to do so, the entire class must be invited. If you are unable to invite everyone, you’ll need to send invitations privately outside of class. Please do not ask for the help of your child’s teacher with this matter. 

For the safety of all students, there may be times when peanuts, tree nuts, or other allergens may not be permitted. When this is the case, all families will be notified. Thank you for helping keep everyone safe! 

We will assist with potty training. However, we will not force any child to go. Classes take scheduled breaks, and teachers will take them when he/she asks to go. Pull ups need to have tabs to avoid having to take shoes and pants off each time they need changed. Because drop off is quite busy, please take your child potty or make sure their diaper is clean and dry when you drop them off. 

No. Pizza days are optional, not required. If you choose not to participate, please send your child’s lunch as normal on this day which is the last Thursday of the month. Payment for pizza day is $27 for the year. Payment is due at the start of each new session. We do not accept individual pizza payments. It can be added later in the year for those children who are not ready to eat it at the beginning of a session. 

We will take pictures of the kids at play and doing activities and post them on our private Facebook page, in the Bright Wheel App (which is parents of your child’s class only) and occasionally on our website. If this is not acceptable to you, there is a spot to mark no photos on your child’s registration form. 

You will receive a monthly calendar with all the events happening that month. The Director will also send out announcements and reminders through emails and texts, Facebook posts, and written notes. Teachers will also send out important info and classroom announcements through the Bright Wheel App. You’ll receive a link to join your child’s class when they enroll. To join our private Facebook page Good Shepherd Children’s Day Out you’ll need to send a member request and be approved by the Director.