Welcome To

Good Shepherd!

The Last Finish Line Graphic.

In the glow of the resurrection good news…after Easter, we’ll celebrate the hope of rising with Jesus on the last day. Pastor Charla will lead us through a three-week sermon series focused on living our lives as if we are training for a strong finish. For two Sundays after Easter, she’ll be teaching all the adults in Sunday School about our Christian beliefs surrounding life, death and life after death.

On Saturday, April 20, our church will host a planning workshop focused on health care decisions and estate planning. Expect to receive some practical tools for your end-of-life planning.

We’re happy to have you!

We pray this is a place where you can “learn to follow Jesus”. Our caring, accepting, and diverse congregation invites you to come and worship with us. We would love to meet you!

Sunday Morning:

8:30 a.m. Traditional
(weekly Communion)

10:45 a.m. Contemporary

11:00 a.m. Traditional

We’re happy to have you!

We pray this is a place where you can “learn to follow Jesus”. Our caring, accepting, and diverse congregation invites you to come and worship with us. We would love to meet you!

8:30 a.m. Traditional (weekly Communion)

10:45 a.m. Contemporary

11:00 a.m. Traditional

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